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in East London

1 Bed Apartment in Gonubie
R 7 500

Gonubie, East London, Eastern Cape

3 Bed House in Baysville
R 14 950

Baysville, East London, Eastern Cape

Pets friendly two bed Unit In Dorchester Height
R 6 150

Dorchester height East London, E.C, Dorchester Heights, East London, Eastern Cape

1 Bed House in Gonubie
R 5 950

Gonubie, East London, Eastern Cape

2 Bed House in Abbotsford
R 11 750

193 Riverside Estate, Inglenook St, Abbotsford, East London, Eastern Cape

2 Bed Apartment in Dorchester Heights
R 11 500

Dorchester Heights, East London, Eastern Cape

2 Bed House in Kidds Beach
R 6 800

46 Umlele Mews, 46 Umlele Mews, Kidds Beach, East London, Eastern Cape

3 Bed Apartment in Kidds Beach
R 7 500

41 Umlele Mews, 41 Umlele Mews, Kidds Beach, East London, Eastern Cape

1 Bed Flat in Gonubie
R 5 800

Gonubie, East London, Eastern Cape

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