The 3 Best Churches in Jeffreys Bay

Local expert curated 3 best Churches in Jeffreys Bay, Eastern Cape by detailed analysis of customer reviews, services, operating hours, complaints, and many more. Our goal is to create a list with enough choices to cater to everyone's preferences while making sure it was small enough to not be overwhelming.

Victory Church, Jeffreys Bay

Seetuin Rd, 6330 Get direction
What our experts say?

Our congregation is a family. Young and old gather here to passionately worship and seek the face of God. Victory Church is a part of Freedom Hill, a collection of churches that are a part of the global apostolic family known as the Church of the Nations. With the executive team of this network of churches, we maintain an open line of communication. Over 50 countries around the world are affected by the Church of the Nations. Visit to learn more about our family. Our family gets togethe

Our congregation is a family. Young and old gather here to passionately worship and seek the face of God. Victory Church is a part of Freedom Hill, a collection of churches that are a part of the global apostolic family known as the Church of the Nations. With the executive team of this network of churches, we maintain an open line of communication. Over 50 countries around the world are affected by the Church of the Nations. Visit to learn more about our family. Our family gets together on Sundays to celebrate God's greatness through jubilant praise, close-knit worship, engaging preaching, and real connections. Read More

Jeffreys Bay Bible Church

R102, 6330 Get direction
What our experts say?

You consent to being tracked using cookies by clicking "Accept" or by using this site as usual. To learn more about what we believe, please read our statement of faith. Since 2005, Wynand has served as the teacher pastor at Jeffreys Bay Bible Church. With his wife Delila, he enjoys a happy marriage and has two kids. Both the truth and his people are dear to Wynand. Together with his wife Inge, Peter resides in Kareedouw. They have a large number of grandchildren and three children. The

You consent to being tracked using cookies by clicking "Accept" or by using this site as usual. To learn more about what we believe, please read our statement of faith. Since 2005, Wynand has served as the teacher pastor at Jeffreys Bay Bible Church. With his wife Delila, he enjoys a happy marriage and has two kids. Both the truth and his people are dear to Wynand. Together with his wife Inge, Peter resides in Kareedouw. They have a large number of grandchildren and three children. The brothers are always welcome to visit their home. In the 1990s, Dave Website established the forerunner of Jeffreys Bay Bible Church. He resides in Jeffreys Bay with his wife, Pam, and they devote all of their time to serving the brethren. A Durban church planter named Dave Webster recognises the need for an English-speaking reformed evangelical church while visiting Christian friends in Jeffreys Bay. He goes back to Durban and spends two years in prayer. Returning to Jeffreys Bay, Dave visits every minister in the area and requests their right hand in fellowship. Dave is warmly welcomed by all. Dave spends the next two years making house calls and starting a Bible study in Jeffreys Bay. Wavecrest Christian Fellowship is formally started with 54 people and the first meeting takes place on 2 February, 1992, in the old movie house in Beach Centre. Dave Webster, Richard Freeman, Aubrey Pike, and John Dougall Sr. are the first elders chosen. The church is freely given a piece of land with a near-finished chapel on it, outside of Jeffreys Bay, by Denys Tomaselli. Jeffreys Bay Christian Fellowship will now be used. Williams Wilry joins the council of elders. Read More

Father's House Church - Jeffreys Bay

Corner of Jeffrey Street and, Duine Rd, 6330 Get direction
What our experts say?

We acknowledge that the gift of salvation has changed our lives (Eph 2:8-10). We pledge to be good stewards of our time, talents, resources, and everything else that God has entrusted to us out of thankfulness for what we have. (1Peter 4:8-9). We recognise that as a reflection of our connection with God, we are called to serve one another and the world in which we reside. (Gal 5:13). We appreciate the activity of the Holy Spirit and acknowledge Him as our ally. We feel compelled to spread the go

We acknowledge that the gift of salvation has changed our lives (Eph 2:8-10). We pledge to be good stewards of our time, talents, resources, and everything else that God has entrusted to us out of thankfulness for what we have. (1Peter 4:8-9). We recognise that as a reflection of our connection with God, we are called to serve one another and the world in which we reside. (Gal 5:13). We appreciate the activity of the Holy Spirit and acknowledge Him as our ally. We feel compelled to spread the gospel's illumination throughout the world and to uphold the moral principles of the Bible in our culture. (5:18–20) in 2 Corinthians. We consider the Bible to be God's verbally inspired word. (2 Tim 3:16). Through deeds of kindness and assistance to those who are most in need in our society, we are called to share the gospel message. (10: Isaiah 58). Read More